Monday, October 24, 2011

Rob and Kristen - Dear Scarecrows...

Haters are like the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz - they need a brain!
can i have one, can i, can i?
It's so easy to push people's buttons. Say a few words involving a certain young man's name and a young female co-star and...instant foam.
It's so easy to wind people up. Make suggestions that indicate that a certain young man, actually might have, possibly spent, some time in say...London, visiting a certain young female co-star and...instant hackle and crying.

Rob was seen leaving LA - whoopty-doopty-doo!
The hate begins, the slinging mud left and right. The accusations of 'he wasn't in London, he's been in LA all along - crap, that was instantaneous, quicker than an In 'n' Out burger!!
Some people just have to make a drama out of nothing. 

The never ending see-saw of foamy hate, is ever present around these two people; you would think fans would be happy to see their favourite on screen couple in love in real life? It would work to, if it wasn't for the persistent hate from those who 'lord help him' see Rob as this juicy piece of man meat. Eager to get their claws into him and well, Kristen is the piece of fat on the edge of that man meat they want to cut off. Separate from the prime all man steak and dump to the side of the plate, as far away from him as possible.

*Nice analogy eh?* - CHUCKLES
There is a lot of them about...
Yep you can't go by one day, without a drama llama trying to upset the rule. Rob arrives into Paris late in the evening alongside Ashley and already the 'Robsten' hackles are rising and the 'Nonsten' flamers are gloating 'at last we don't have to see that whiny skinny ..... face, AshRob/AshBert all the way! How are they going to look, what will AG be wearing, will Rob look adoringly into her face?

*rolls eyes*

Well, i can tell you one thing, the foamy whiny complaining did not necessarily come from the harpy camp, but more closer to home. Embarrassingly closer to home...
Let's do a little body language comparison - go on, you know you want me to indulge you in the 'proper method' of observing body language between two friends, co-stars etc...
Ashley and Rob - Paris Photo call...
Now this is a lovely photo, not too sure about the lanyard hanging around Ashley's neck, but the dress is nice all the same. Rob, ah all dashing and handsome, as he stands beside Ashley and looks on indifferent to the bank of photographers, eagerly snapping away. First thing you will notice is the alignment of their bodies. Ashley's is beside, but turned slightly away from him. Their posturing is mirrored by the way Rob is standing, feet slightly apart, but it's the female whose body shows the connection or lack of, between both of them. Rob is standing fairly generic; there is very little difference in the way he stood with Reese Witherspoon several months ago for Water for Elephants, what else is he to do? He and Ashley have always got on well. There has never been any underlying problems between the two actors so, i don't see what others were looking for, when they tried to suggest 'they were standing very close'
Here is another one from the same photo call and you can clearly see from this angle, the posturing and the distance between their bodies is significant, it suggests just 'co-stars' standing together, nothing more and nothing less. So to suggest otherwise, i think you are reading way too much into it.
Rob and Kristen - Eclipse photo call...
Rob and Kristen last year when they stood side by side for the World Premiere of Eclipse. Like i said, you can tell in the posturing and Kristen's body is 'turned in' towards Rob's as his becomes receptive and turns in towards Kristen. You can spot the difference between the way he is standing with Ashley and the way he stands with Kristen. The 'connection' between the two co-stars is blatantly obvious.
It doesn't really take a genius to work things out, the photographs speak for themselves. Kristen is turned in towards Rob as Taylor (their good friend) looks on.
Of course, never mind the brief glimpse of Ashley looking up at Rob, it was Rob's adoring look on his face as he gazed down at Kristen last year, that caught the fans attention and sent the haters into a tail-spin of foamy denial.

I could go on and on, but why prolong the pain LOL.

For what it's worth, the Q and A fan event was a complete success. Rob and Ashley were super cute when answering the fan questions, of course translated. Which can sometimes delay the happiness and flow of such a packed out occasion. Everything had been moving along swimmingly, as one fan tweeted excitedly that she told Rob that 'Kristen was such a lucky girl to have him' and he smiled sweetly at that...

*cue the heckles*
Here it comes...
There was a girl and she tweeted that she was there when the question was asked and did not see Rob smiling 'Not At All' was her words and that he had on what could only be described as a poker face. A poker face, is a description given to someone, whose face remains calm and placid, giving nothing away. And is used when trying not to let the other persons at the card game called 'Poker' know when you have a good hand or a bad hand.
So this girl suggests he didn't smile, had instead a poker face and the fandom exploded. It's bad enough, he stood and looked indifferent on the RC, spoke quietly and in some circumstances, looked 'bored' to the fans, who were there in Twilight excitement (too much caffeine) Fans who gave a lovely account of when he was outside with a group of girls with a card, that had the the words 'To Bear, Kristen and her English Boyfriend' to which he giggled loudly and thanked them for it.

But oh no, two conflicting reports sent some people into a spiral of 'oh noes something is wrong' with crying and moaning, worrying and sniffing. I can talk many a person off a cliff edge, lord knows, in this fandom it's a regular occurrence. But my gut instinct led me to believe the person who said he didn't smile, was part time trolling. Or she just didn't see what others saw? 

Well, they say the proof is in the pudding right?
Rob smiles at fan's comment "Kristen is one lucky, lucky girl" at 22:15
Yes it's a slight smile as he puts his bottle back down on the floor but, it's there and it's exactly how the girl, who told Rob that 'Kristen was a lucky girl to have him' described it as, when she quickly tweeted from inside the venue.

I love it when a plan comes together LOL. 
For the fan who didn't see it. For the person who maybe just didn't catch it or didn't want to acknowledge the fact, that Rob smiled when the comment was put to him...sore loser or possibly more interested in wanting Rob for herself, who knows?
The first  award this year...
This award goes to you. You may or may not have seen Rob smiling, but you caused a shit load of grief amongst some very frantic fans, who wanted to hear good things come from the fan event - not lost in translation (which i am hoping it was) comments, that Rob did not smile and looked unhappy. People will take one little thing and blow it out of proportion. Rob to me just looked tired, hell i would be tired too having just come off a very long assed flight and possibly spent most of the day doing press junkets, for various European magazines and newspapers.

We can all be a little dramatic at times, Twilight brings it out in some people i guess. Kristen did not kick off the promotional tour like so many wanted her to do. After all, the first of the two movies is all about Edward and Bella getting married and having a loving honeymoon surrounded by sea, sand and lots of....well you know? Tensions are high, Rob has been missing and came to Europe, sporting a grizzly Adams mountain man beard! Expectations are also running high. As much as Ashley looks good and is a lovely person, very polite and always charming...she's just not Kristen - maybe Rob is feeling it too? could be worse, right?
So what have we learned?
Haters don't have brains and fans can sometimes become drama llamas?
I know, it's so easy to get swept away with all the panicky foam and complaining but....try, please just...try to stop yourselves.

Kristen will be with Rob as he returns to Los Angeles at the beginning of November and you know what that means?
Rob's smile is always there when Kristen is around...
We will get Happy, Smiley, Bashful, Giddy, Loving, Hyper and Confessional at the Hand and Foot print ceremony. At the fan convention and the World Premiere Red Carpet. We will have Rob and Kristen reunited again once more, giving the fans what they so desperately need. And that's to see them glowing and happy - arm and arm, as they stand side by side for Breaking Dawn - Part One.

And not this....
LOL have a great day!

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