Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rob and Kristen - More Than Words...

Be warned...bitch-slapping in process...
Rob in Paris...at night...
I love how such a simple sentence; six explosive little words, can turn a fandom from jubilant celebration to foamy hysteria, in seconds. Rob appears in a show called TF1 in Paris, and all is right with the world. He looks good, all scruffy and manly. All soft hair and square jaw, and the verbal filter has been well and truly switched off.

Why, I hear you ask?

Well...for weeks, yes weeks now, there has been this ever growing debate, between the harpies and the Robstenites, as to whether Rob has visited his fair Princess on the set of her movie on London. He was 'seen' in September - neigh, he made himself be 'seen' in September, as he walked through Heathrow rolling a suitcase, and giving the paps a cheeky grin, as he touched down to attend a Christening and hang with his 'girl'

Then he was seen just over a week later, leaving London and heading off to LA once more. Looking a little sad, possibly already missing his girl and that, as the saying goes, is that! According to the Nonsten bible of 'where is Rob now?' 
They do, they really do...
Ah yes, the whole 'If he is not seen he's in LA, NYC, Florida'...in fact, anywhere other than London, because London is where Kristen is.

His arrival in Paris and his less than enthusiastic approach to the Breaking Dawn promo, had hyenas drooling at the bit; 'he looks unhappy, could we possibly be seeing the end of this showmance - have they really split up?' He hasn't been seen since early September *rubs hands gleefully*
Then, just when they thought they could break out into a victory dance;

Rob: "I was in London last week..."

*Cue the hysterical whining...*
Whoever made this banner...i love you!
Yes it was inevitable, Rob just opens his mouth and rainbows and puppies jump out. Those simple words, put yet another nail in the coffin of doubt - of bitching and moaning 'he is not with her, he dumped her on her ass' excuses, that the loony brigade have been putting about for weeks. Crawling out of sewers and foaming up the carpets with their pathetic excuses.
Le scruff Rob...
He doesn't have to say much. Just a few simple words, a few very revealing simple words. Maybe it's his way of getting Kristen back for the 'My Boyfriend is English' comment, she let slip for GQ-UK magazine? Maybe it was his way of sending the bat signal out there to all those Bat-shit idiots, that yes i was with Kristen and i spent time with her - it's obvious!

Fans, they rejoiced oh how, they did rejoice. Everywhere exploded with retweeted happiness. Laughter rang from near and wide as glasses where clinked, tears where wiped happily from rosy cheeks and those with a shred of common sense, puffed their chests out and smiled, that very serene smile that said 'everything is fine. As it should be, as it always will be'

On the other hand *rollseyes* we had denials, we have arguments, we had spitting and foaming of the mouth. 'He did not say that, how can you hear anything over that persistent French dubbing?' He was mistaken, he was taken out of context. The translation is all wrong he never said he was in London last week, the stupid fans have got it wrong again - clutching at nothing!'
LMAO! It doesn't take much to amuse me, but boy oh boy did i not snort giggles, after reading the poor pathetic reasons as to how 'Rob did not say; he was in London last week?'
I shouldn't pick on the weak minded, but they give me too much ammunition not too!

It's bad enough, the poor little haters have to endure clips of Rob as Edward and Kristen as Bella, looking all loving and happy as husband and wife - they are playing characters, so they can be forgiven. But to then endure Rob looking all happy, smiling and chatting very animatedly, suggesting California is his home now - not London, because LA has Kristen and has Bear there too.

Ashley is with Rob in Europe, so they haven't had to endure seeing Kristen's happy face and Rob's shit eating grin, whenever he is around her. But to suggest he has done something without their consent; their crystal ball was wrong once more, the tea leaves must have dried up - the leader of the hate-brigade was wrong once again *rolls eyes* CK is always wrong, haven't you worked that one out yet?
Happiness is not giving a f*ck about haters...
I love Rob without a filter, there is simply no need for him to be wary of what he says anymore. Every media outlet knows they are together, knows they have been together for some considerable time now. As Kristen pointed out, it's so obvious, so why can't some people accept that? Fans don't need a confirmation, there is no need for words. Of course, those fair-weathered of the fandom, tend to need constant reassurance. They don't trust their own judgement hence, they rely on others to talk them away from the ledge, when there is no need to. 

Rob may have to do part of the European promotion on his own, with support from Ashley and Taylor, before Kristen can be released from SWATH to join him, but that's okay. Kristen weathered half of it last year without Rob by her side and got through it...just;

Kristen: "I miss him..."
Remember during the Eclipse European promotional tour, when the microphone picked up Kristen's quiet comment to Taylor?


I am smiling because i have nothing to be moany, bitchy or whiny about. Life is good, everything is in place. Excitement draws near and Breaking Dawn - Part One is nearly upon us *giddy dance* 

Rob looks tired but happy - heh! I would be tired too, if i had been over to see my wonderful significant other, then had to take a red-eye (because you know it's true) back to LA. Only to then tidy, what needed to be tidied up back home (because home is where the heart is, and Rob's heart lies with Kristen and Bear) before picking up my team and joining Ashley for a flight out to Paris on Summit's dime. 

 Tired doesn't even begin to cover it. But i dont mind tired, because a tired Rob is a very happy and loose lipped Rob, and we all love that now, don't we?
"More than words, is all you have to do to make it real,
Then you wouldn't have to say, that you love me
'Cause I already know."

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