Thursday, November 24, 2011

Rob and Kristen - Why They Are Thankful...

There is so much Rob is thankful for...
Sitting here in contemplation...
It's Thanksgiving in the US - a time to be thankful for all that you have; family, love, health and happiness. To give thanks and receive thanks - as is the way, the traditional way of saying 'thank you' for the year that has passed and the year to come. 

I am giving my thanks to a wonderful year filled with laughter and love. 
A love between two people is a beautiful thing to behold. You cherish those moments however small when you can be with the one you love. To look into their eyes, to feel the emotions radiating from them that mirror your own. To know completeness whenever you are around that special person in your life. To understand the meaning of 'being in love' and being loved just as passionately and completely - as you love them.
So much Kristen has to be thankful for...
When you can look at two people and just smile. Feel their happiness just radiate from within them. To witness the look of adoration when in moments, they look at each other secretly when the other doesn't know. To see pride in their eyes as they show to the world 'this person is the one i love'

When you feel the deep respect and honour they have; when they show unconditional support just as a partnership, a relationship, a team should always do.

When i look at Kristen Stewart; i see a woman in love. I see a woman who has grown out of her teenage/child body and into a flourishing beautiful woman, filled with compassion and love. A young woman who is very thankful for what has been brought into her life. For her family who she adores - parents who have always supported her, even in tough decisions she has made. Her brothers who are very protective of their 'baby sister' and friends who have never left her; always supportive, always truthful and have always been there when she has needed them. A career that seems to grow from strength to strength. Admiration for her body of work is spoken on lips of people who matter the most. Her life faces new challenges, but Kristen has always been one to never shy away from a challenge, instead face it head on. She will be thankful for her wonderful year, because in that wonderful year Kristen has grown closer to who she has gradually become. Grown within her skin, grown within her spirit and accepted everything about her life - including the moments of madness.

Namely the Twilight hysteria.
Twilight changed Kristen's life...
The madness that has surrounded Kristen in moments when she wished her life would return back to the way it was, has only been one blip in the whole experience. Kristen is thankful to the fans who camp outside to see a premiere. To buy up the books and movies. To watch endless interviews, turning up whenever a programme is being taped. To have the support for such an iconic character who she has played in four movies now. To share the experience with every single female who understands what it's like to be that age and ultimately fall in love. 

Twilight has changed Kristen's life in so many ways. When you can push aside the negativity; the experience making such a widely known movie saga has brought Kristen so much meaning to her life. Career options she might not have ever got, had it not been for making the first movie. But it also brought someone very special into her life. Someone who looks at her and sees Kristen for who she is. Understands her in more ways than she could ever know and loves her unconditionally because of this.
Your love is a turning page...
When i look at Robert Pattinson; i see a man who is for once content with his life. I see a man who has struggled to put himself and this life in a place he is happy to be in. Has found that not everything needs a reason to happen, and that sometimes you can loose control or need the control taken away from you, to be able to see beyond that. Have felt pride and love from his family; his parents who love him unconditionally and have always been his strongest support, even when he struggled to make an identity for himself. Two sisters who are fiercely protective of him, remain as always his strongest allies - even in the most stressful of times. His gratefulness for friends who have always been there, have known him before the craziness, before the hype and poster boy image. He is thankful for his career that has taken off when he had all but given up on being anything beyond secondary cast in a huge franchise. 

He has grown into his own skin, has been able to look beyond his doubts and insecurities and has accepted some things in his life had to change in order for him to be who he is finally today. He has remained as ever truthful to himself, even in the middle of the madness that has in moments...over taken his life.

That madness is Twilight...
Twilight will remain forever 'important' in Rob's life...
True; it holds a deeper meaning to Rob than just a movie franchise. One that will be talked about for years to come. His musical background will always be there, his love for writing something he is very passionate about, but movie making is what he has wanted to do and has been giving the opportunity to do so. His belief stems from having the courage to put himself out for a role he believed he had no chance in winning. How such an ironically 'beautiful' character was someone he thought he could never play - but to be put opposite a person whom he admired from afar...
Rob was willing to take that chance. He will be thankful for his flourishing career because people took a chance on him. People who believed in him, trusted their instincts when others had dismissed this young actor for nothing other than another pretty face. Saw beyond all of that and identified with the need to 'prove people wrong'

Saw beyond his insecurities and self-deprecating. Saw the honesty in his eyes; his quick humour that hides a multitude of emotions and lack of confidence. Instead they saw the goodness that was within him. His lack of filter some would see as annoying whereas one person saw it as an admirable quality that proved his thoughts and actions could be trusted. Twilight changed Rob's life in so many ways, if you can look beyond the madness and hysterical fandom; who see him as nothing more than an object rather than a person. He has to put up with labels because he is male and like females of the industry he works within, Rob has to accept the objectifying that goes on - even when he could do without the crazy that goes with it.

He is thankful in so many ways; but the one thing he is most thankful for - Twilight brought him closer to one person, who means more to him than anything else. No amount of money, fame or notoriety can give him the same satisfaction he gets from one person's love. Someone who looks beyond the 'image' he has had to live with, the craziness that surrounds his life - surrounds her life also. Someone who loves him for who he is, not what he can become. Understands him better than he understands himself - loves him despite everything and loves him unconditionally no matter what.
I surrender who I've been for who you are...
Twilight brought them into each others lives. Gave them a sense of responsibility and with that a sense of pride in what they are doing. But it also brought into their lives 'love'

A love that swept them both off their feet; bewildered and confused them in an industry, where sometimes lines can blur. Separation didn't change the 'character charged' feelings. When you take the character away - emotions still remain. That's not fake or acting, that's real and it's that reality that spilled over and became something fans can see when they look at Rob and Kristen.

So be thankful for many things today - be thankful for those around you who love and respect, depend and adore you. Give thanks for everything and everyone you have. Thanksgiving may be a celebration that American's celebrate each year, but that doesn't mean being thankful should only be celebrated once, it should be celebrated - always.
Rob and Kristen are thankful for being in each others lives...
Rob and Kristen are thankful for many things in their lives; mainly solid families who care and protect. Friends who have stood by them no matter what. Careers that have grown steadily and will continue to do so...

But mainly they will be thankful they have found each other, and thank each day no matter what - it will always be that way.


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