Friday, June 10, 2011

It's all about the woman he loves...

Kristen Stewart - breathtakingly beautiful; according to Rob...
I thought long and hard about my post today; considering the big shit eating grin i still have in place since Sunday/Monday, depending on what part of the world you come from and when you were able to catch this years MTV Movie Awards. Besides, the happiness that covered Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart like a bubble of love; there still seems to be a small contingent of bitter women, who feel it necessary to hate on a girl because she's with a man that they idolise like some 'plastic doll in a toy cabinet'. The point I'm trying to make today is very simple. These bitter and jealous women young and old, decide to set up Facebook and Twitter accounts; bashing on a girl who has done absolutely nothing to any of them. She hasn't drive over their family pet, she hasn't spray painted their house with graffiti, not has she ran off with their husbands or boyfriends. And no, i do not count fixating and fantasizing over a man that does not belong to any of them, because he's an actor and they are his fans.

Do you really think he would enjoy hearing the despicable and disrespectful things you say about Kristen?
Kittenish Kristen at the Glamour Awards in London...
The reason for all of this hate and vile contempt of one person? A young girl who just so happens to be in the same line of work as the man of their dreams; seems to stem from the fact that Kristen has something they don't have. Apart from a sense of humour, a sense of style, a humane and emotional attachment to people and love and respect for her fellow man - she also has the heart of Robert Pattinson. Oh i know, they hope it's just a short term thing (if you can call over two years a short term thing?) And if they aren't marking x's on their calendars; counting down the days until they hopefully don't have to see her face or name next to his ever's going to be a long time then, better settle yourselves down for the ride.

Of course they assume it's just another PR relationship; a showmance of sorts, because most of Hollywood are in that kind of arrangement - those desperate for attention, who let their publicist's control their lives and life style choices - that is. Do they think so little of Rob to believe he would want that kind of life, that kind of arrangement for himself? Surely they have read the countless articles written about him; watched the various interviews he has done, where he clearly has let it be known that 'he's not the sort of person to allow anyone to control and dictate his life, or live that kind of existence' Do they seriously believe that he would want a relationship with someone that was based purely on outward appearances? That behind closed doors; he was little more than just a means to an end. His career and public image was worth more than finding someone to share his life with?
To see the world through Kristen's eyes...
They want it all; they want the fame, they want the money, they want the fancy restaurants and the lifestyle. They want to be the candy on his arm, while he smiles and poses at premières and show appearances. They want to be the first one to kiss and tell about their relationship; because they want the world to know they 'slept with the Twilight star - Robert Pattinson' What they don't want is the reality. They don't want to know the real Rob; the insecure and self-deprecating man, who worries constantly about his safety and who to trust, because he's very aware that there are people out there not interested in him - just interested in his name and what it stands for. Those so called fans don't give a pigs shit about the fact that his choices in life are his choices to make. That the one person who has woven herself into his life since 2008 - 'gets him' knows a version of him better than anyone else.

Has seen his flaws and faults; knows how hyperactive and giddy he can be when he's nervous. Understands his verbal slip ups when he opens his mouth and everything seems to fall out. Chastises him when he is beating on himself; because she knows he's much more important than what he allows himself to believe. Sympathises with him when he gets worried or unsure about how people will receive a new movie he has done. Encourages him when he reads a script for a movie project that triggers his interest; allowing him room to discuss it with those that care enough about his decisions, which of course also includes her.
Sultry Kristen...
Finally...loves him unconditionally, because she loves the person inside NOT who he is on the outside. With Kristen he can be himself, despite the frenzied excuses laid down by those so called fans of his; who claim he's always miserable around her. Always looking glum and unhappy, always seemingly distracted with the need to get away from her. The hate is vile and disgusting. This small minded group of jealous women; who log into their little contemptuous social network of 'Kristen Haters' each day. Whining about how 'unfair' it is that people believe in this 'media fantasy' of Robsten; a name they can't stand hence they gave themselves a counter name of Nonsten. This media label derived from Rob (first part of his name) and Sten (second part of her name) was created and fans thought it cute, so they stuck with it. The fact that people caught on pretty quickly to the story. Of how an unknown British actor, developed a crush for the young inspiring actress 'before' he auditioned for a role, in the movie that would change his life. And that is were the problem lies, because Rob made it widely known of his admiration for young Kristen. His feelings of pride and adoration, even going so far as to admitting very publicly, that he could 'fall in love with her'.

Do you think your hate of Kristen will make him change his mind?
The girl with the bedroom eyes...
You see the way i look at this is, very simple. If it was just teenage girls lusting after Rob, i could understand. Give them a year or so and they will move onto someone else. Fixate their fantasies elsewhere, allowing Rob to be nothing more but a distant pubescent memory, of a time when they followed Twilight. Unfortunately, most of the hate and vicious threats come from much older women. We're talking about those - some with children; who fixate about anything to do with Twilight, specifically Robert or Edward or both. Those that tend to indulge their fixation; allowing it to bleed into their children's lives, as they camp outside movie sets he works at, just to get a glimpse of him - day or night. Follow him around anywhere he goes, while tweeting his location to the rest of his fan-base. Scream and shout his name while trying to press their phone numbers into his hands, or leave messages on the car or SUV he is driven to and from work. Some call them cougars and they are proud of that fact. They see Kristen as nothing but a child; a horrible distraction, because they believe she has Rob trapped. That she is pulling him down and ruining his chances at being a 'really good actor'. That she's clingy and desperate for attention and keeping Rob from his full potential.
Stunning in red and black...

They can't stand the fact that since 2008; Rob has been 'distracted' by his dark haired co-star. That in every interview he has ever done - Kristen Stewart's name is always mentioned. He has always described her as being such a phenomenal actress; the best of her generation. Tough and unassuming, even intimidating - but in a good way, because she has kept him on his toes all this time. But in their eyes, that means she is controlling, manipulative, desperate and ugly...she is always ugly. They see nothing beautiful about the one person whom Rob has admitted openly to having a crush on, after watching a movie she starred in when she was only 15. They don't see her charm, her sense of humour, her gutsy determination to work hard at whatever movie she does. Allowing other people to take credit, because she's not good with self praise of any kind. They can't see beyond their nasty, spiteful minds, that Kristen means more to Rob than some hot fling A quick hook up or fake PR romance. They don't want to know how much time they have spent together since 2009; when they began slowly being seen in public together - trying to keep their private life strictly on the down low. Instead, they spread their hate on websites and public blogs; calling on others to do the same. They post vicious comments about Kristen being a junkie, a lesbian, a two timing scheming b*tch, because while she got all up in Rob's face she was also dating her then boyfriend, who is also an actor and had worked with her when she was 13.

They hope that by doing all this, by being ridiculously childish and hysterical, that maybe one day Rob will take notice of their pleas and 'dump her' then find someone else who will respect him more. AH, but you see...while they're doing all this; while they hide away amongst their little group of jealous Robsessed fans, they believe that it's totally acceptable for Rob to randomly hook up with any female available. They even encourage it by announcing that he's hooking up with any co-star that just so happens to work with him. Make up false sightings of him in bars with other women - always tall and always blond. But it doesn't stop there, oh no. While they can accept in their fantasy deluded minds, that Rob Pattinson is nothing more than a man-whore, they also bestow the same illusion to Kristen. Anything to get her away from Rob right?

There latest fixation can be anyone; from ex-boyfriend (because his name is good to throw around and use for whatever means is necessary) to co-stars of a movie she completed last year; Kristen seems to be the thorn in the side of most who want her out of Rob's life - once and for all. They are willing to spread around rumours concerning Rob and his co-stars; because anything is better than having to accept that there has only been one woman in his life since possibly 2008, but definitely since 2009 and they don't like it one bit.

Do you really believe he is going to listen to you?
Kristen knows who her haters are...
Their deeply dark campaign is not only worrying; it's pathetic, childish, intolerable, baseless and unrealistic. To believe that by doing all of this, by hating on one woman who is an integral part of Rob's life, is going to change anything. Make him suddenly listen to those too deluded by their own fantasies, living vicariously through his life. Writing up long winded messages of love, lust and adoration about him. Pinning their hopes on maybe one day, he will take one look at any of them and throw himself at their feet - claiming his undying love...wishing he had never met 'that girl'. It's so easy to understand that both Rob and Kristen are fully aware of the 'stalking fans' out there. Those that feel the need to follow Rob anywhere he goes; from premières to fan events, while they let it be known that if they so much as catch a glimpse of 'her' they will do some unthinkable damage.

Kristen knows who her haters are; she's realistic enough to understand that there are women out there who despise her, because she not only works with the most 'eligible male' in their entire universe, but he also plays the most sought after 'perfect man' Edward Cullen. Book fantasy has spilled into real life for some, not content to sit and watch the movies and read the books - they have to live their fantasy through Bella's eyes. With the one exception that they are Bella, and Kristen is nowhere to be seen. The tiniest little flaw in all of this is that Rob is also fully aware of the hate that is generated towards Kristen.You can sense it in his eyes and body language, whenever they are snapped by the paparazzi; socialising, travelling, set visiting or on vacation. He surrounds her with his team. Always walking in front, no matter where they are while checking behind him to make sure she is in his sight at all times. Most likely their security (Rob and Kristen's) has been stepped up, because of the desire to do her harm. Whether it's a handful of women openly discussing the idea, because they are allowed  'freedom of speech' and don't see the reason why they have to like her. Or it's actually those willing to try and attack Kristen, or at least try - Robert Pattinson knows they are out there and will make sure that Kristen is protected, no matter what. He can't be everywhere this is true; but when he can't be and Kristen is working or attending events by herself, those that look after her 'Kristen's team and Rob's for that matter' take very good care of her.

Why can't you see the look of love on his face?
He can't keep his eyes of her...
From the very moment Rob met Kristen; it's believed he was done for. Quite simply, she stole his heart for want of a better word. Since 2008; he has not been seen with any female companion. Oh i know, people tried to make out that he was dating a handful of various women; from Camilla Belle to Megan Fox. Even Nikki Reed's name was put about. Although Rob was quick to deny each and every one of them, including Ms Reed's insistence that they had a 'fling' during the making of Twilight and then New Moon. A claim that was later dropped by the media; when it was hinted at by one or two gossip bloggers for the Entertainment sites, that she had an 'over-active imagination'.
Was this staged or was it for real?
For those gullible enough to read every fake tabloid story; usually made up by marketing publicists to get hits and more column space for their pitiful excuse of tabloid journalism, there seems to be a daily stream of 'What is the REAL story behind Twilight's golden couple?' Everyone including fans, want to know the truth. They're tired of the non-denials, the silence, the little smiles and non-committal remarks, that frustrate rather than give any definite answer.They refuse to discuss their private life, and this leads to the frenzied idea that they are nothing but a Summit PR relationship; because the Studio owns their lives until 2012. But why should they sell what is theirs to own? Why should they show those that want them not to be in a relationship, the truth? What good would it do, other than cheapen their relationship. To give an exclusive to some newspaper or showbiz site, that they are indeed together and then what? Will the questions ever stop. Will those nosy enough to want all the juicy details, finally be satisfied once and for all?

Of course not. So Rob and Kristen maintain a dignified silence; deciding to display actions rather than words. Prove that they are indeed a couple in every sense of the word, including adopting a dog. Because they're both pet lovers and seemingly want to share everything; including the love for an animal who had a rough start in life..
Their love just keeps getting stronger...
Despite the hate that is directed at Kristen; Rob won't budge on the matter. Oh some may try that is a certain. Groups of numb minded individuals; who couldn't care less who they tell of their disgust. That he would waste his time on someone like Kristen Stewart; an absolute nobody in their minds because *scoff* he can do 'so much better'. Their belief is that come the end of Twilight; when all the movies are shown and the franchise is finally finished, with no more promotion or premières to attend...'the exit strategy' will then be put in place. Oh, yes. the so called 'exit strategy' is something the over thinking Nonstens seemed to have drummed up in their tiny little universe of hate and rage. Rob will finally see the light and decide that his time spent with Kristen was 'productive for the sake of the Twilight franchise'. He will no longer need to be tied to Edward Cullen and Twilight and will then 'dump' Kristen, find some vapid model/actress/starlet in the making. Or in their deluded fantasies; any of the above, which really means any of them in their wildest Rob Pattinson dreams.
Kristen is the only woman he looks at - the only woman he loves...
Kristen seems to be the Kryponite to the Nonstens decisions. Everywhere Rob goes, Kristen Stewart follows and they absolutely loathe and detest that, with every fibre of their bodies. Calling themselves Nonstens or Robsessed fans; was their way of showing the world that Rob was theirs and no one would come between them. Silly i know, but their minds are not that or normal people. They take pride in issuing threats to someone they don't know, because they think they can. All the while, drooling over Rob and objectifying him to their crazed infatuations. They have never once considered his feelings or his thoughts in all of this. They feel that Kristen controls Rob and he's too polite, too kind, too much of a gentleman to argue with her.

Like i said deluded.

If one thing you will take from this post then it is this. No man belongs to a woman, no man will ever do what a woman tells them to do. No man will sit by and allow a woman to take over their lives, decide what's best for them...unless that man is in love.
Taking Kristen backstage....
A man in love will believe the sun, moon and stars were hung for the woman, he is in love with. A man in love shows it in every measurable way possible. A man in love with do anything for her, will go to any great lengths to be with her. Will move heaven and earth just to make her happy. THIS is what the haters can't seem to understand or grasp; Rob is his 'own' man, he does not get dictated to by anyone. He does not let anyone control his life, or his destiny because he controls it. But his heart is a different matter; his heart belongs to only one person who has proven time and time again, that her love for him is what makes all the craziness in the world disappear - even when they are physically apart.
Their smiles say so much more...
Oh and if you think Kristen doesn't love him the same way - think again! She may hide her emotions exceedingly well, because she believes in keeping her private emotions, very private. She's young and vulnerable, shy and awkward, but that doesn't mean she loves Rob any less? Kristen would not allow herself to fall in love with someone and go through all the hate and rubbish that is directed at her daily, if she didn't feel any kind of emotional connection towards the man she spends all her time with - when she's not working. She's not someone who believes in living a PR life; I'm sure at one time she might have been asked to do so, but it's not something she believes in. She remains as always, true to herself and her beliefs and doesn't suffer fools gladly.

My advice for what it's worth. To those that feel it necessary to feed their hate and make up stories, about a girl they don't know and will never know, because they are too blinded by jealousy to understand anything at all.  

IF you could live out your fantasy for one day. Be in Kristen Stewart's shoes and have to go through her life being told that there are women out there, hoping you would just shrivel up and die; fall off the face of the earth. Find another man and just 'leave him alone' Have websites and message boards, even stupid social networking sites, all wanting the same thing...

How would you feel? How would you react? How would you cope?

I would assume you wouldn't, because that's a form of cyber-bullying; women hating you when they don't even know you!


IF you won't except it, then why do you think Kristen should?

Robert Pattinson will never be yours; he's not owned by anyone - especially his fans. But he does have someone in his life who puts his well-being before hers, and puts up with all this shit because;


Can you say the same about yourselves? Because as far as I'm concerned; any so called fan, who hates the woman he's with. The one that makes him happy, the one that always has his best interests at heart and has been instrumental in making him happy - does not deserve to be called a Robert Pattinson Fan.
This was made for Kristen's 21st Birthday, but I'm breaking out the big guns here for the finish. was made by the multi-talented Fiorels; who makes outstanding videos and this one just sums up my feelings as i end this post. Listen to the lyrics, they're very intriguing - Kristen Stewart is f*cking Perfect!

Have a lovely weekend...

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