Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rob and Kristen - You wish!

Rob and Kristen...
People are all the same,
And we only get judged by what we do.
Personality reflects name,
And if I'm ugly then so are you,
So are you... (Sugarbabes - Ugly)

I'm breaking this out today so - it won't be pleasant for those in a hateful, spiteful and pitiful attitude...Bitchy-mode ahead, you have been warned!
All is quiet in the Rob and Kristen fandom; Rob is working on Cosmopolis and Kristen...well hot damn it - where is Kristen. Is she out playing with Waldo again? 

The Animal Kingdom; aptly name to describe some of the less respectful people in the fandom don't you think? The little lyric sentence up there is solely just for them. The bat-shits, hyenas, hags, witches. Wannabe fans, harpies and foamers...

Waders thick with shit, when you have to trawl through or read their crud; on message boards, Live Journals and indeed your own in-box, because LOL saint's preserves us, 'YOU have a Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart blog - you deserve to be rained on from hell! Yeah well, get in line, there's a long queue waiting for me!
Still no words for this photograph...
You know, i often bitch and moan about the stupid little harpies who scream, cry and moan about Kristen Stewart and her 'influence' on Rob's life. I love how they foam and froth at the mouth whenever Rob is within spitting distance of Kristen, because you know they're pulling their hair out at the very thought that 'SHE gets to go home with that!' Yeah, they're that shallow, but i firmly believe that there are twice as many 'stupid little twits' hating on Robert the exact same way they hate on Kristen. 

Sure, she's a woman and women target women because they're weak, jealous and stupid. They want what she has, they want it all. They can't stand the fact that two people have found each other and fell for each other and have since then been lucky enough, to piss past the whole 'Hollywood hook up' nonsense that seems to be the daily prayer for all those wannabe actresses, models and starlets, who want a piece of that. Yes, it seems Rob Pattinson is not in any kind of 'fake relationship'. You know the kind; the one that has to be seen out and about in all the top restaurants and walk hand in hand down Hollywood Blvd. Shopping in some of the most exclusive shopping districts, all over each other in the middle of a busy street. Take vacations on-board yachts or resorts; where there will be a bucket load of paparazzi at your beck and call. He's in a relationship that calls for privacy and respect. He doesn't do the whole showmance PR stunt; and the so called 'Rob fans' hate this so much, that they bitch on him. Make up stories that they then sell to stupid gossip sites like HollywoodLife - who really should come with a government health warning and a bucket of salt, for the shit they post up. 

Over the past couple of days; the crap that has been festering around the Internet is just too wacko to ignore. From everything to fake sightings, fake hook ups in random bars with random faces. Is it Bear or isn't it Bear? Kristen seen out on the tiles with Garrett Hedlund (again) because that rumour just gets funnier and funnier, to Rob hooking up with the directors daughter (again) because she's so 'starstruck' with the young 'Brit-actor.'

It amazes me how half of his fan base can even think straight, never mind write in joint up writing. And no, I'm not targeting those who actually support the actor and follow his movies and his life with interest; those fans are a pretty respectful bunch. I'm talking about the ones that spread filth around message boards; one in particular and that's The Awful Truth blog, belonging to none other than the gossip diva himself - Ted Casablanca. That place is a serious cesspool of hate in which you need a full bodied hazmat suite and thick rubber soled waders, just to get through the opening comment. The place is a bio-hazard of waste and poisonous gasses. Those that are in serious need of a reality check as they spew hate at not just Kristen; although she seems to be the firm favourite when spewing hate and issuing threats, but Rob as well. With death threats and homophobic references, when dealing with issues like 'i hope he gets AIDS and dies' not caring really who he gets it from, as long as he'll die from it and leave Kristen Stewart alone.

 Rob and Kristen with ----- Bear!

There are many things you can stomach when you take on the challenge, and immerse yourself in this fandom out of respect and support for two really lovely people and two extraordinarily talented actors. But the death threats, the issuing of illnesses that people die of - Every.Fucking.Day - sometimes through no fault of their own! Sorry but it's crap like that where websites and message boards, hopefully monitored by 'sane and impartial' moderators need to step in and stop those enjoying the hits. Enjoying the attention and indeed in some cases, enjoying the adulation they get when they can post and nothing gets done about it. It doesn't take a Psychologist to know that there are some pretty unstable people out there. I poke fun at their stupidity, because they're the first ones to deal out the crap and throw it towards two people they know nothing about. I know nothing about them either, but at least I'm bloody respectful and care about what is said about them. I'm not one of those that has to live my life every single minute of the day 'thinking up ways of being shocking and disrespectful' I don't see the need in hating on one woman, or indeed a man because 'OMG they're dating' because you know what?- He will never be yours!

To think that a small group of narrow-minded and hateful individuals, will blow up photographs just to prove in their 'muddled minds' that the dog Rob was seen with over the weekend IS NOT the same dog that Kristen was seen walking with in New York City/early May. Yeah i know, laugh please do i encourage it, because that shit is so bloody funny. Two people not only have a shared common interest (each other) but they also share a dog; a little puppy (not so little now) called Bear and that's just too much for their 'foamy minds' to comprehend, never mind accept. So they decide to let the world know (those crazy enough to read their pathetic daily rants) that the dog is different; his ears are bigger, the body is fatter, he has a different face, different eyes, different colour of hair - OMG they've created the world's first BIONIC DOG!


Tears where rolling down my face when i read that shit - seriously that was epic, the best they've come up with so far. It's times like this that the stupid, silly, whiny little nonstens, hyena, hags and harpies - deserve a pat on the back, a round of applause, heck even a standing ovation for what they can come up with!
It doesn't get any better than this...
It doesn't take much to start me off and I've been pretty good at keeping my tongue firmly in my cheek of late, but this...this is just too good to pass up without going all bitch-mode on some people. Hate on Kristen is bad enough, seriously but get over yourselves and find a man of your own, and leave Robert 'whom you most likely scare the living shit out of' Pattinson alone. He doesn't need 'teetering on the edge of insanity' fans like that! His life is fairly simple when he closes and locks the door behind him; shutting out all the bullshit and crap that seems to follow, because 'his fans adore him.' Again, I'm not talking about the respectful ones, but those that are not exactly 'all there' in their heads.
MTV happiness...
Whether people like it or not - Rob and Kristen are together. Kristen doesn't try and get up your noses, or unhinge your minds when she is with him. He is after all, in her life and has been in her life for some time now - with no foreseeable change in that direction. Bear; the blessed little puppy, who has enriched both their lives no doubt - is with them also. Not a bionic 'switches hair, tail, ears, eyes or anything else' dog who is on 'time-share release' between them. He is their dog, in their lives and is looked after by 'them'

But of course, Kristen isn't with Rob right now - she's off doing her own thing in LA with...wait for it - Garrett. Oh yeah that's right, a nice little tip off to Hollywood Life ensured it would headline their blog the next day; 'Date night with co-star!' Hmm...seems to me that there's no 'concrete proof' that Kristen was there, because 'duh' someone from the establishment (Roxys) addressed the issue themselves; claiming it lies because (you will never believe it but) Kristen wasn't there!! Not only that, but Garrett apparently was in Brazil at the time. Now colour me pink and call me a fairy, but for me it doesn't really matter who Kristen goes out to dinner - the girl has got to eat. And it makes little difference to me if she just so happens to be having dinner with say 'a co star from a movie they did together' either. Kristen Stewart is allowed to have friends and not have to constantly watch who she's with and what she's doing. But alas; sensible people can see that, understand that and even accept that...'not' so sensible people?...
Simply perfect...
What i tend to say to those who follow this fan-base - good or bad, especially at this time of year is this; It's approaching the Summer; when kids young and old get out of school. When mothers who follow Twilight and all things Edward Cullen, have those kids under their feet. When Cougars who lust over Rob, have everyone coming home and spoiling their complete and utter blissful silence; of fawning and drooling over photos of Rob on the Internet, in their little hidden folder named 'Rob Porn'

This is when you need to gather your strength; get yourselves 'metaphorically speaking' a large bag of salt. Some thick waders, because the foam increases ten-fold. A large umbrella, because that foamy shit falls from the sky in rapid succession. A heavy duty raincoat, just in case you come online and forget the umbrella - preferably with a hood! Thicker skin than you already have and prepare yourselves for the Summer of discontent. When those haters come out of the woodwork like roaches; crawling over everything, getting into all the nooks and crannies and depositing their filth everywhere. School is out and there is nothing to do. That's the time when the foaming gets worse and if you're not careful, you'll be surrounded in it in no time.

There has already been an increase in activity, because Kristen will be heading (again) to London soon for the start of 'Snow White and the Huntsman.' Rob is still in his 'Eric Packer' mode as he continues with Cosmopolis, and i hear there are whispers of another role in the pipeline with 'OMG that means he won't be with Kristen over the summer like we hoped he would!' Hysterical worry from the hysterical end of the fandom. No one seems to recall that Rob and Kristen's 'Success in surviving in Hollywood guide - issue number 3' has been around since 2009. They seem to forget that this couple have come a long way from shooting 'Remember Me' and 'The Runaways' and that didn't stop them from being together either - even if it was for just 48 hours. Couples deeply in love and deeply committed to one and other; will move mountains and rivers to be with each other, because their relationship is very important. There is no such thing as a 'flying visit' - really? Then why is it called a 'flying visit'? 
A picture worth a thousand words...
If you want to talk bullshit about them, by all means do so. It's not going to make your story anymore credible that the bottom of the bird cage gossip fodder, that gets looked at, laughed at and then tossed away. The more the posters put up vile hate; depending on which blog or message board you want to waste your time on - only to get it deleted, the more Rob and Kristen laugh in your faces. Kristen hasn't been seen; 'boohoo she's dumped him on his ass and is now out with Garrett, because he's more a man than that pale faced pansy of a crap actor!' I love it when they get all pissed off and resort to name calling. Oh wait, that's because they HATE the names everyone else calls them. After all, they dubbed themselves the 'Nonstens' but hey, if the shoe fits...

No matter what is said and how it's said, and who the hell bothers reading it? The two people in the centre of their world will not let the hate filter in. The only reason there's so much hate targeted at both Rob and Kristen respectfully, or disrespectfully as is the case may be, is because those doing the hating are jealous, and that jealousy eats away at them every-single-day. They hate on Kristen, because they want what she has. They call her ugly when ugly is on the inside, and there is no way Kristen Stewart is ugly on the inside. She has this little thing called compassion and respect, and that is something neither of her haters will ever have. 

They hate on Robert, because he is with Kristen. He could have everything that he would ever want. Any woman of his choosing, because any actress is better than Kristen right? He always can do 'so much better than that bitch', because in their jealous eyes; 'they're better than her' So they resort to calling him a man-whore. He's the kind of guy who just slips out of one bed and into another. Not giving a second thought to the females feelings, because to be selfish and unemotional, is better than looking like he's in love and devoted whenever he's with Kristen.
They see her walking with Rob - they hating...
Those that believe they can control the media; spread rumours because that's the only thing they're good at, do so because they want what they can't have. They want Rob to look at them the way he looks at Kristen. They want to be in Kristen's shoes and feel that love, because all they see of Rob is this actor with charm and good looks. Beyond that...they have no idea. What would happen if they got their wish? Would they be able to do anything about it? Probably not. Beyond the 'image' beyond the 'thousand dollar suites and hair and make up products.' Beyond the photo shoots and money making roles he works at; they have no idea who Robert Pattinson is - or who Kristen Stewart is for that matter.

So, that gives them a right to be nasty, spiteful, hurtful and pathetic? To make up stories and tell lies? To call Rob and Kristen names and issue death threats or illnesses, because they believe they can? That they believe they're a higher power, that they have the right to express their feelings and in doing so, express how they feel with no repercussions. No condemnation for their actions?

You wish!

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